Innovative products
for your health
We want to improve your life sustainably.
With Alnovat and Osvalin, Alnapharm currently has two innovative products for your health.
Alnovat is a new cream that is patented worldwide for the natural, long-term treatment of mild and moderate psoriasis.
The nutritional supplement Osvalin from Alnapharm is a daily supplement to help meet the body’s silicon requirements and support bone and joint health.

Psoriasis is a chronic, incurable skin condition. 1.5% to 2% of the population in developed countries suffer from psoriasis, of whom around 80% have psoriasis vulgaris.
Psoriasis requires long-term treatment. Most psoriasis sufferers use creams to treat the affected areas. In addition, skin care products are required to moisturize the skin and keep it supple.
With our expertise in this widespread skin condition, we have successfully developed an innovative product for long-term effective and well-tolerated treatment of psoriasis. Under the brand name Alnovat®, a completely new, natural cream is now available to psoriasis sufferers for the treatment of their condition.

Musculoskeletal system
Osteoporosis is a condition that often goes unnoticed for a long time. It causes the bones to lose mass, meaning that they become lighter, weaker, and more fragile.
Increased bone loss mainly occurs in postmenopausal women and when certain medications are taken (e.g. cortisone). However, (younger) men can also be affected by osteoporosis. If left untreated, the bones become increasing weakened and then fracture. That's why it is so important to treat osteoporosis early.
The therapy can also be supported through a balanced diet, exercise, and sport, to help combat osteoporosis.
It is important to start osteoporosis treatment as early as possible, as this substantially improves the prospects of success.
Osvalin® is an innovative nutritional supplement containing optimally bioavailable silicon dioxide in combination with magnesium citrate. It helps to promote natural bone and cartilage formation (for example, in people with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis).